Saturday, 10 March 2007
Zweite Heimat / Seconde patrie
Je vous avais parlé de mes récentes découvertes outre-rhénanes. Poursuivant la démarche culturelle avec plaisir, voici quelques infos rapides sur un essai musical digne d’intérêt.
Nom officiel : album Marx, par l’ensemble Arbeit (disponible à la Médiathèque sous la cote UA6570)
Découvert : grâce à la très bonne Radio campus, écoutable en ligne, qui laisse la possibilité de connaître toutes ses playlists et d’écouter facilement la plupart des albums y afférant puisque Campus se base sur les collections de… la Médiathèque. Fin du placement produit (éthique).
Objectif : musical archeology
Pourquoi (vous traduirez bien vous même)
The song and intellectual goods of the German labor movement, of all things, falls in the sights of this excavation is not much of a surprise after the Eisler Program and the Folk Song Project by the Frankfurt group. It cannot be seen as illegitimate – one and a half decades after the political collapse of the East Block – to dig around in the cultural heritage of the failed socialistic Germany.
Et pour la forme…
Augst, Daemgen and Korn and their two guests researched extensively for this project and ultimately chose fifteen pieces and texts for their purposes, which they revived artistically in their own way. Their interpretation of the problematic repertoire comes about far from historical performance techniques. Former celebrating occurs only as a citation in the best case, the romantic emphasis is missing (mostly), and in its place appears mourning as gesture and collage and cut as technique.
Some lines of text fall through the grid, their meaning condensed, refrain and strophes are sometimes ripped from different originals and are clamped together in the remix. The megaphone, formerly an instrument of socialist agitation, delivers here a moment of defamiliarization. Mottoes of socialistic mass culture sound distorted, consciously overloaded, only understandable in fragments, as if their difficult tradition were composed like a parable.
Oui, ce ne sont pas des rigolos, mais
There are reasons that the lived past in East Germany is demonized, extinguished and may only return medially in nostalgic forms. Marx attempt to work against such a new kind of taboo. Comparable with Sigmund Freud’s work of mourning, critical observation and contention take place subjectively on this Concept-CD.
Et je vous ai même trouvé un lien pour écouter ce que ça donne (commencez par le 1 et le 9). Oui, vous trouverez ça… bizarre
Autre conseil musical de ce jour : toujours allemand mais dans un tout autre style. l’album s’appelle… Neue Heimat : compilation consacrée au renouveau de l’électro, électro-pop, lounge, etc allemandes (Ellen Alien, Miss Kittin, Peter Licht, Ian Pooley, et Jazzanova pour les plus connus).
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